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Sunday 13 July 2014

REVIEW: Maybelline Baby Lips Electro - Pink- UK

 Maybelline Baby Lips Electro Pink
The Maybelline Baby Lips Electro series hit the stores on July 1st in the UK, having read hype and excitement about these products, I decided to go into Superdrug on the 2nd and buy one for myself.
My first impressions in store; I noticed the section where they were on sale straight away, they were hung up on a cardboard rack thing with bright colours, you couldn't miss it. I had seen 5 colours in the series all over the fashion blogging world, but was slightly disappointed when my local store only had two types of the lip balms. The two colours were the ones I was most interested in, however I did want to compare all 5.
The two colours were quite similar, pinks. The one I chose is hot pink, whereas the other one was more coral pink. Since I couldn't swatch in store, I chose the safest option, hot pink, because I knew it matched my skin tone. For the price of £2.99 I can't complain, as these bad boys are certainly a daily must for me! I love the price, its so inexpensive and worthwhile!
The lip balm moisturises my lips and tints them so well at the same time! It also gives my lips a nice smell, its divine! The smell is delicate, but to die for! I always smell it before I apply.

Without flash

With Flash

The colour is lovely and buildable, my lips are moisturised with just one swipe on each lip, the colour is certainly seen, but it is slightly lighter then when you build it up. I just simply build it up and it looks like a glossy/shiny lipstick, you don't even need that many swipes- who swipes their lip balm just once anyway?!
The colour does fade after awhile, but I still have a light tint and I just reapply when my lips are dry again.
I give the lip balm 5 stars out of 5, due to it being a perfect shade and everything I need for day to day use- such as school. Well done, Maybelline, I will certainly be rebuying!
What ones of the collection do you guys have?
Love Paige xxx

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  1. Oh wow I had no idea it was so pigmented, I really need to try this shade xx

    Gemma // Miss Makeup Magpie

    1. I really recommend it, its a beautiful shade and is just one of the best Baby lips in my opinion!

  2. this looks so good - i've never actually seen this one in shops but I'll have to keep a look out :) x
